

Welcome to Wander We Go. I’m Alex.

I write about life in Zürich, travels throughout Europe, and musings on both.

Jöriseen Rundweg: Graubünden, Eastern Switzerland

Jöriseen Rundweg: Graubünden, Eastern Switzerland

The glacial Joriseen are one of those “have to see it to believe it” kind of places, in one of the most uniquely stunning spots in Grisons.

This has been on my Swiss bucket list for some time, and let’s just say that it exceeded all my expectations. I always thought this region was a bit far for a day trip, but even though it’s a long travel day coming fro Zurich (around three hrs each way), it’s hands-down worth the journey.

The landscape in this area of Graubunden is striking and barren - it felt a bit more wild to me than some of the “traditional,” pastoral Swiss landscapes. There is a harsh, other-worldly beauty in its remoteness. It was as though we had been dropped into Middle Earth. The Jori lakes are hidden in the Silvretta Alps, and the stark, craggy mountains and mossy green rocks provide a remarkable contrast to their vibrant aquamarine and deep-blue waters. It was partly cloudy the day we hiked, and truly incredible to watch the colors of the lake shift with the sunlight (click through the photos to see how vivid the green can get when the light hits just right). Completely epic, and unlike anything we have seen. Some of this hike involves climbing up scree, but the most difficult part is the altitude: you’ll consistently be above 2,000 meters (highest point is 2778m asl), so the air might feel thin.

Above all, this trail left me in awe of the great natural diversity in Switzerland. Seriously, how can this tiny country pack in so many uniquely beautiful landscapes? I can guarantee that this will not be our last hike in this area.


  • Start and end: Wägerhus Postbus stop (makes sure to check schedule for the last bus)

  • Basic Route: Wägerhus - Winterlücke - Jöriseen - Jöriflüelafurgga - Wägerhus

  • Length and Rating: Moderate. 12km, 4-5 hours.

Five Lakes Trail (5-Seenweg): Valais, Southern Switzerland

Five Lakes Trail (5-Seenweg): Valais, Southern Switzerland

Edelweissweg (Höhbalmen Höhenweg): Valais, Southern Switzerland

Edelweissweg (Höhbalmen Höhenweg): Valais, Southern Switzerland