

Welcome to Wander We Go. I’m Alex.

I write about life in Zürich, travels throughout Europe, and musings on both.

Chüebodensee and Wildmaad: Glarus, Eastern Switzerland

Chüebodensee and Wildmaad: Glarus, Eastern Switzerland

This hike reminded me that Glarus is such an underrated Swiss canton! The mountains here are extraordinary.

The trail starts from the Ampachli mountain station. I took the Elm Sportbahnen, but you could also hike from the valley if you want to get in some extra work. After an initial flat section, the trail begins to steeply climb up the Chüeboden. It’s short, but sporty - you’ll sweat! After approximately two hours, you reach the lake, nestled in its little mountain basin, surrounded by green slopes and jagged peaks. I promise, all the sweat will be (mostly) forgotten. Keep an eye out for wildlife. I saw a few marmots, but it’s a protected area so there’s a high chance of ibex and chamois, too.

After the lake, it’s another short climb up to Gelb Chopf. Here, you can either head back down to Elm, or make a detour up to the Wildmaad and Wildmaadfurgeeli viewpoint. The Wildmaad is a large plateau with insane views of the surrounding Alps, and if you finish at the viewpoint, you’ll also get a view of the Glarnisch chain. Then, retrace your steps back, and continue back down to the gondola station.

  • Start/End: Elm (Ampachli mountain station)

  • Basic Route: Ampachli - Chüeboden - Chüebodensee - Wildmaadfurggeli - Ampachli

  • 10.5 km, 865m ascent/descent, T2

Ducantal/Walserweg: Graubünden

Ducantal/Walserweg: Graubünden

Ardez - Crap Putèr - Tarasp: Lower Engadin

Ardez - Crap Putèr - Tarasp: Lower Engadin