

Welcome to Wander We Go. I’m Alex.

I write about life in Zürich, travels throughout Europe, and musings on both.

Capanna del Forno: Graubünden

Capanna del Forno: Graubünden

The Capanna del Forno is perched above a stunning glacier, right on the Italian border. It’s epic location and fun trail make it one of my favorite hut weekends to date!

There are two main approaches to Capanna del Forno - a high trail and a valley trail - that can be combined into a loop. Both trails are quite different in terms of view and terrain, so you really get a feel for the whole area. And no matter which way you choose, you’ll pass the pretty Lägh da Cavloc, which has a restaurant that makes a perfect lunch stop on your second day. I loved it!

Day 1

We took the so-called Panoramaweg (the high trail) as the hut approach. The trail splits off at Plan Canin, and then climbs high up above the valley, first passing the small Laghetto dei Rossi, then traverses the northern flank of the Piz dei Rossi. The path is narrow in some sections, and there are lots of boulder fields that require care. Thankfully, there were no snow fields we had to deal with in late August - but be aware that there is often lingering snow here that can make things more tricky and exposed. But this is an insanely beautiful path, especially when the view opens up to the mountain peaks and the Forno Glacier.

  • Start: Maloja; End: Forno Hut

  • Basic Route: Maloja - Plan Canin - Val Muretto - Leghetto del Rossi - Capanna del Forno

  • 11km, 1160m ascent/ 380m descent, T3+/T4-

Day 2

For the descent, we took the valley path, which leads from down from the hut into Val Forno. After climbing down more boulder fields, we reached the glacier foreland and descended down the valley. It was a bit insane to look up and think that we were on the high path yesterday - from the valley, it looks impossible. This section was gorgeous, with glacials streams, wildflowers, and larch trees, and offers a completely different feel from yesterday’s trail. 

  • Start: Forno Hut; End: Maloja

  • Basic Route: Capanna del Forno - Val Forno - Plan Canin - Lagh Cavloc - Maloja

  • 14km, 300m ascent/ 1100m descent, T3

Gelmerhütte: Berner Oberland

Gelmerhütte: Berner Oberland